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Steps Involved in Crown Lengthening Procedure

Posted on 1/15/2024 by Kenneth D. Parrish, DMD, PhD
Image of a woman smiling, looking at the mirror. Crown lengthening is a procedure that extracts excess gum tissue or bone that surrounds your teeth. The surgery might be essential before placing a dental crown or other teeth restoration treatments. Some of the steps involved include:

Evaluation of your Oral Health

Before performing the procedure, specialists check the nature of the gums, teeth, and jawbone. They want to ensure that you are a good candidate for this procedure. The dental experts also take a comprehensive medical review to detect any underlying issues that may affect the success rate of the surgery. They then take X-rays and other diagnostic tests to have robust medical data. They can also ask you to stop taking certain medications which can negatively affect the surgery.


Crown lengthening is a bit invasive and causes pain and discomfort. Anesthesia ensures you are comfortable during the procedure. After numbing of your mouth, the affected areas are cleaned. Cleaning and disinfecting help in infection prevention-next, any crowns on the surrounding teeth are removed.

The Surgical Procedure

The periodontists make incisions on the gums and pull them from your teeth. Pulling away exposes the jawbone and roots of your teeth. In some circumstances, only the gum tissues require extraction. Next, they clean and disinfect the surgical area.

Gingivectomy is one procedure done during the crown lengthening procedure. It involves the extraction of the gum tissues. An oral surgeon can also perform surgical extrusion, which is the repositioning of your teeth. This procedure uses mechanical force to move your teeth and reposition them. You don't require extraction of the bone material.

Post-Operative Period

Crown lengthening surgery can be done in the outpatient setting, and you can go home on the same day. Since it is an invasive procedure, you might experience pain and mild discomfort after the wearing off of the anesthesia. You will be given anti-inflammatory medications to control the swelling and pain. A few hours after the surgery, you should avoid eating foods, and when you resume eating, consider consuming only soft foods until you are completely healed.
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