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Wisdom Teeth Removal Louisville, KY

Beautiful senior woman holding a mirror and smiling at her new smile at United Smile Centres in Louisville, KYWisdom tooth removal has become very common these days.

In some clinics, your dentist will even recommend the removal of wisdom teeth as soon as they erupt.

Some people may not know why removing wisdom teeth is necessary or even if they should remove theirs.

Our experts at United Smile Centres ensures that you understand what you are getting into before extracting your teeth.

Below is a guide to wisdom teeth removal at our clinic.

Reasons for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal prevents complications such as overcrowding, impaction, infection, or damage to adjacent teeth. These issues can lead to pain, swelling, difficulty chewing, and other dental problems.

Over the years, it has become necessary to remove wisdom teeth because the human mouth has evolved. In the process, the jaw has become smaller and may not be able to comfortably hold the final set of teeth.

Removing wisdom teeth early can help maintain oral health, prevent future dental issues, and promote a healthier teeth alignment.

Signs That Your Wisdom Tooth Should Be Removed

You can tell that your wisdom teeth need to be removed when they sprout out. In most people, the wisdom teeth come out between the ages of 17 and 25.

When they start coming out, a few signs will indicate if yours need to be removed.

Some signs include pain, swelling, difficulty opening the mouth, gum infection, damage to adjacent teeth, cyst formation, and tooth decay.

Impacted wisdom teeth and misalignment also indicate the need for extraction to prevent further complications.

Row of wooden tooth shapes, one of which is being pulled out of the row by dental pliers at United Smile Centres in Louisville, KY

Wisdom Teeth FAQ

If you consider removing your wisdom teeth, you must have plenty of questions.

At our clinic, we encounter plenty of patients with similar questions to yours. Below are some of the wisdom teeth FAQs we encounter daily.

How Do I know When My Wisdom Teeth Are Coming In?

You will know your wisdom teeth are coming in if you experience jaw pain, swelling, tender or bleeding gums, bad breath, or an unpleasant taste in your mouth.

Although these are the common signs when wisdom teeth start growing, you may need an examination to know for certain.

Does Removing Wisdom Teeth Affect Face Shape?

Removing wisdom teeth can affect face shape, but the impact varies. Some people may experience relaxed facial muscles, changes in jaw alignment, or minor asymmetry.

However, most people will not notice significant changes. Before the surgery, talk to our oral surgeons to determine the extent of risks and outcomes.

When Can I Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

After wisdom teeth removal, you can start with liquids and very soft foods once the anesthesia wears off. Stick to broths, smoothies, and yogurt for the first 24 hours.

Gradually introduce soft foods like mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs after 24-48 hours. Avoid straws, smoking, and hard foods to prevent complications. Follow the specific instructions given by our experts.

Our team at United Smile Centres has vast experience in dealing with matters related to wisdom teeth removal.

We understand the pain such teeth can cause and know when to remove them. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us for clarification.

You can directly talk to our surgeon by calling us at (502) 899-3000 or request an appointment online today!
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Wisdom Teeth Removal Louisville KY • United Smile Centres
Expert wisdom teeth removal in Louisville, KY. Safe, comfortable extractions by experienced oral surgeons. Call to schedule your consultation today!
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