Flossing is very important when it comes to maintaining good oral health. Proper flossing is vital because it helps get rid of food particles and plaque missed by brushing. Furthermore, the sides of your teeth that tend to rub against each other can only be cleaned through flossing. Removing stuck food particles is important because they can create gum inflammation and risk oral infections. This is why you need to floss your teeth regularly and thoroughly. Luckily, here are some of the tips you can employ to make flossing more effective.
Learning Proper Flossing Technique
Learning proper flossing techniques is vital for effective flossing. While most people know how to brush their teeth properly, very few understand the importance of flossing - let alone how to floss. This is very unfortunate because flossing is as important as brushing. When flossing, you need to be very careful and make sure you are doing it right. This is because, unlike brushing, dental floss does not cover the tooth surface but goes in between teeth spaces.
You also need to be gentle when flossing. Flossing roughly and aggressively can lacerate your gums and cause bleeding. This is dangerous and can lead to various oral infections. When there are cuts or wounds in your gums due to too much force when flossing, there is a significant risk of developing gum infections. You can also suffer from tooth cavities due to exposed open wounds. Therefore, you must learn proper flossing techniques.
Choose the Right Floss
Just like the type of toothbrush you use is important, choosing the right floss is crucial for effective flossing. There is a wide range of floss materials available on the market today. Nylon floss is by far the most common floss available on the market. However, you have the freedom to choose from other types of floss depending on your preferences. The goal is to ensure you floss thoroughly and effectively.
Combined with brushing, flossing will go a long way in keeping your teeth healthy. Schedule a consultation appointment with us for more tips on how to floss properly.
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