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What Is LANAP® Treatment?

LANAP TherapyMost cases of gum disease go untreated. Despite the dramatic negative health risks that are linked to gum disease, people who have it often go undiagnosed. It is linked to premature birth, heart disease, stroke and diabetes, so it is most definitely a condition that should be taken seriously and treated immediately. Until recently the only options available for the treatment of gum disease have been invasive and potentially painful. Fortunately, we here at United Smile Centres have made LANAP® (laser-assisted new attachment procedure) available to our clients!

LANAP® has made it much easier for patients with gum disease to get the treatment they need. It is a minimally-invasive procedure that works using laser light to kill bacteria in the pockets of the gums, leaving only healthy tissue intact. LANAP® has been approved by the FDA and has been researched thoroughly. We are very pleased with the results that this provides our patients and hold it in high regard for the treatment of gum disease.

LANAP® Procedure

Traditional gum disease treatment methods involve cutting or amputation of the gums. While these methods are generally effective, they are extremely invasive and often require a long recovery time. LANAP® uses a laser light in the deep pockets between the gum and tooth to remove and prevent the bacteria that causes periodontitis. The gums are left completely intact and are compressed against the tooth.

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LANAP Louisville, KY | United Smile Centres - Dentist Louisville
Until recently the only options available for the treatment of gum disease have been invasive and potentially painful. Fortunately, we here at United Smile Centres have made LANAP' (laser-assisted new attachment procedure) available!
United Smile Centres, 118 Sears Ave, Louisville, KY 40207-5014 : (502) 899-3000 : : 4/18/2024 : Tags: dental implants Louisville KY :